The swiss cheese plant produces bright, glossy leaves and makes a popular house plant. It is originally native to tropical forest regions in Central America. The nickname swiss cheese plant refers to the small holes that develop in the plant’s leaves. The long fruits resemble corncobs and smell sweet and fragrant when ripe. Recognized by […]


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The swiss cheese plant produces bright, glossy leaves and makes a popular house plant. It is originally native to tropical forest regions in Central America. The nickname swiss cheese plant refers to the small holes that develop in the plant’s leaves. The long fruits resemble corncobs and smell sweet and fragrant when ripe.

Tips from Garden Coaches

Recognized by its large dark leaves with holes, swiss cheese plant is an eye-catching houseplant. As long as it has sunlight and regular watering, it will be happy.

Is the swiss cheese plant harmful to dogs?

The sap within the swiss cheese plant contains toxins that are poisonous to dogs and cats.

Care Guide

Average water needs, watering should be done each week or when the top 3 cm of soil has dried out. Water thoroughly until the soil is saturated and excess water is fully drained from the drain hole.
Fertilization once a month during the growing season
Light trimming in winter
✔️Planting Time
Spring, summer, autumn
Fissiparity, cutting
✔️Potting Suggestions
Needs excellent drainage in pots.