Jungle velvet (Goeppertia roseopicta) is a plant species commonly cultivated as a houseplant. Jungle velvet is native to Central America. Under the right growth conditions, this plant can bear cream-colored flower cones. Glasshouse whitefly, glasshouse red spider mite Difficulty Rating Jungle velvet is not difficult to take care of. With proper care, your jungle velvet […]


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Jungle velvet (Goeppertia roseopicta) is a plant species commonly cultivated as a houseplant. Jungle velvet is native to Central America. Under the right growth conditions, this plant can bear cream-colored flower cones.

Pests and Diseases

Glasshouse whitefly, glasshouse red spider mite

Conditions Requirement

Difficulty Rating Jungle velvet is not difficult to take care of. With proper care, your jungle velvet will grow well under certain environments.
Sunlight: Partial to full shade
Hardiness: 15 ℃
Hardiness Zones: 11-12
Soil: Chalky, loam, clay; well drained; slightly acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline

Care Guide

Water: Average water needs, watering should be done each week or when the top 3 cm of soil has dried out. Water thoroughly until the soil is saturated and excess water is fully drained from the drain hole.
Fertilization: Fertilization once every 2-3 months during the growing season.
Pruning: Trim the diseased, withered leaves.
Planting Time: Spring, autumn
Propagation: Division, tissue culture
Potting Suggestions: For potted zebra plants, it is recommended to be repotted once every 1-2 years.